
This is not the ring I meant to propose with. It was an option I had in mind. She discovered it in the mail and I played it off like I wasn’t considering it. I had been planning to propose to my girlfriend for the better part of six months and I even enrolled some of her friends into helping me.

When I proposed it wasn’t the way either of us thought it would be but the truth is I didn’t want to wait anymore. It felt like it was this in between phase where the commitment was there but the action wasn’t.

There were long discussions to be had and we eventually saw eye to eye on what happened. I planned an impromptu surprise party that didn’t give her enough time to get her hair or nails done and in hindsight I take full responsibility for that. The truth is I can’t wait to marry her and I don’t think I’ve been this sure of someone ever.

I know I chose a job that takes me away from you (Brooklyn and back) but I did it to provide for our new family. I did it because I knew taking this job would provide us access to adventure and celebration. I promised you we would travel the world together, create together and help people while doing so. That intention is getting fulfilled as I write this now. I love you, I honor you and I as I type this on the Metro North I cannot wait to come home to you.

Copyright © 2018, Raheem Nelson. All rights reserved.
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